Creative Consulting

If you are here, reading comics and looking at art of characters, then there is a good chance that you have your own stories, ideas, characters, and worlds that you would like to bring to life.

I invite you to leave all your negatives, you “I can’t”s, you “It’s too big”s you “I don’t have the skill”s at the door because none of that matters right now. What matters is that you have an idea! And that is all you need to start creating!

But you are right! When you start to consider your idea, it gets big and out of control fast. Then when you ask for help, it feels like an imposition. It’s a lonely place to be, having an idea and no one to really delve into it with you.

I have experienced all these same things and more. I am DuskyArtz, the creator of Signal Ghost and I have over 25 years of experience with story telling, art direction, character crafting, world building, and project realization. What I offer is the opportunity to work with another person who will look at your project, help you get organized, help you with manageable steps and goals tailor made to fit you and your needs, and help you to recognize connections and pathways you may not have, as well as to see and avoid potential problems and pit falls.

My methods come not just from my creative work, but from my career as a teacher. As such, I do not agree with the ever prevalent idea that harsh criticism and bashing you or your work builds one into a better creator. My approach is different! I am not the driver. You are. I offer an approach where I work with you to identify and then achieve your creative goals. I do so by offering non-critical feedback, consultation, editing, and instruction about helpful tools or processes.

Essentially, I fulfill that desire for someone to talk shop with, but with the added bonus of real world experience in multiple creative fields.

The first consultation is free. There is no obligation to buy. So give me a try and start realizing your creative dreams.