DuskyArtz(Danny/Dani) is an artist and author that has participated in the Furry, Anime, and Comics fandoms, both recreationally and professionally for over two and a half decades. They have a Bachelor in media arts and animation and a Master’s in Teaching with specialties in English related fields. Dusky is an avid student of the art of story telling and narrative and has spent countless hours over years researching story and narrative as well as art and design. They are in a unique position to have extensive experience with many creative outlets and are passionate and driven by their love of those things. Danny/Dani left teaching due to the strain it put on their mental health, having noted that it is toxic and unsustainable under the current circumstances in America. After counseling loved ones, they realized that their true passion was in art and story telling, as well as teaching and counseling in a capacity that was not enclosed by the four walls of a school. As such, they are now pursuing their story telling and art as a career and offering consultation services to creative people who have ideas that they would like to see come to life.
Danny/Dani is a gender fluid person who wants to contribute their creativity and skills in contexts and spaces that are largely LGBTQ+ and adjacent. They are also an avid proponent of mental health and are on the autism spectrum. As such, they try to represent these aspects in parts of their characters, writing, and creative support.
Danny/Dani can be contacted at these places.
Email: duskwinterfang@gmail.com
Fur Affinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dusk
Necire(James) is a long time A/C and Heating specialist who has a deep and avid interest is role play, character development, and story telling. He has participated in the Furry and Comics fandoms for decades and is an avid gamer. He has lead multiple role playing campaigns as a successful GM/DM and has been a source of help an inspiration to many friends and acquaintances seeking assistance and feedback for characters, story, and other creative writing related endeavors. James is the owner and creator of the Necire Jaska character and has used this character in many things. He is especially proud of the character’s stories and growth through DnD campaigns, as well as the version of the character he has developed with Dusky for the world of Signal Ghost.
James is a member of the LGBTQ+ community and identifies as gay and male. He is deeply committed to the rights of LGBTQ+ people and educating awareness around those topics. James has been an avid and vocal activist and is not afraid to speak on topics related to LGBTQ+. He also is a dedicated supporter of people with neurodivergence and has used this support to support and come to bat for many. Danny/Dani has benefited so much from his warm, gentle presence and his willingness to support him. He has been an avid co-creator of Signal Ghost and will often spend hours hashing out ideas and character dialogue with them.
Necire(James) can be reached here: